Canada Immigration

Medical Tests Requirements For Canadian Immigration in 2023

Are you planning to move to Canada?  Do you know you will be required to undergo a medical test for immigration to Canada by a designated approved physician? Well, in this blog, we have mentioned everything you need to know about the medical test for immigration to Canada. So, Keep Reading!                                                                                                                   

Whether you want to live or visit the country temporarily, you will still be required to take a health exam before being issued a visa. Canada ensures to allow young skilled professionals who are fit and immensely contribute their knowledge and skills to the country’s economic growth.

Due to inappropriate health conditions, an individual may be considered medically inadmissible to Canada. Therefore, before visiting Canada, foreign individuals must overcome all such inadmissibility that can enable them to enter the country.

Canada Immigration Consultants & Lawyers

What medical tests are required for Canadian immigration?


According to your age, you may be asked to undergo chest x-rays and laboratory tests at a clinic or a lab. It is a standard screening, and any abnormal results will be addressed with you by the doctor.

Based on your medical exam results, they may refer you to a specialist for additional testing. Additionally, to avoid delays in processing your medical examination, you must complete this request as soon as possible.

.Planning to visit, work or settle in Canada? Book a free consultation with our Regulated team to get started. 

Why are medical tests for Canadian immigration necessary?

An Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRCC) panel of physicians examines applicants to determine whether they should be denied entry into Canada because of medical conditions.

In an IRCC-approved exam, your panel physician determines your health history, physical examination, and other tests. If your physician requires additional information about your health, they may refer you to a specialist for tests. In addition, you have the legal right to bring a supervisor to your appointment if you like.

.Read more about- Benefits of Hiring an Immmigration Consultants or Lawyers

Who needs to have a medical test for immigration to Canada?

As long as you intend to work in particular occupations, a medical exam is usually unnecessary if you plan to stay for six months or less.

Certain occupations require a medical test for Canadian immigration. Due to the type of job you wish to pursue in Canada, you might need to get a medical exam.

Such jobs include:

  • Workers in child care programs.
  • Workers in primary and secondary schools.
  • Workers in health care settings.
  • Medical students.
  • Childcare workers and teachers in elementary or secondary schools.
  • People who give children care at home.
  • Workers in the clinical laboratory.

But not limited to this, many other job titles also ask to take a medical exam for immigration before moving to Canada. Consequently, those agriculture workers who have worked in certain countries for at least six months must undergo a health exam. 

Also, temporary residents who plan to stay only for a few months in Canada must undergo an exam to meet the below criteria.

If at least one of the below applies to you and you intend to stay for longer than six months, you must get a medical exam:

You either lived in one or more of countries or territories for at least six months in a row within the previous year, or
If you’re seeking a parent or grandparent super visa.

Planning to visit, work or settle in Canada? Book a free consultation with our Regulated team to get started. 

When should I have a physical examination ?

Your medical examination can be conducted either before or after you apply.

Before applying, you have the option of taking a test. It’s known as an upfront medical examination. Get in touch with a panel doctor directly to obtain one.

At AMK Global Group, our immigration advisors will let you know when to undergo a  medical test for immigration to Canada. Meanwhile, you can always go through  for more information and for finding a Panel Physician. 

This is called an upfront medical exam. Upon completion of your medical exam, your doctor will give you a document confirming your health status:

o If the doctor works with eMedical, he will give you the information sheet printout.

o If the doctor works with a paper system, he will give you a copy of the IMM1017B (Upfront Medical Report form).

Getting a test after the submission of your application


You’ll receive information from experts on how to complete your medical examination. Upon receipt of these instructions, you have 30 days to schedule your medical examination.

If you fail to comply with any of the guidelines, your application can be rejected. 

Book a free consultation to know more. BOOK NOW

Validity of the medical test for immigration to Canada

For an individual who passes a medical exam for immigration outside Canada, the certificate will be applicable only for 12 months from the date of the assessment filed by a health officer or dedicated staff. However, there is no expiry date for the exam validity for admissible applicants.


What to bring for a medical test for immigration to Canada?

You must bring certain things to your appointment for a medical test for Canadian immigration.

  • A passport or national identity card, or at least another government-issued document showing your picture and signature, qualifies as proper identification.
  • Your current list of medications.
  • Bring any documentation confirming your COVID-19 vaccination history. However, this is not mandatory, but this record will be provided to you with your exam by the panel doctor.
  • Also, you may use a Canadian driver’s license if you have test results or medical records related to a current or prior medical condition.
  • In addition, when you go for the testing, you might be requested to show your identification again if you’ve been recommended for an x-ray or other tests.

Where do I get my medical tests done to obtain a Canadian visa in India?

If you’re trying to get either a student visa or Work permit you have to undergo medical tests from panel physicians named by Canadian authorities.

Don’t worry; we have made it easier for you to find your panel physician. Look at the table below as a reference for your medical test for Canadian immigration as per your location.

CHANDIGARH Ashwani KANSAL Dr. Kansal’s Private Clinic,

Kothi No 4 Phase 2, Sector 54 , Near Bassi Theatre SAS Nagar, Mohali,


91-172 5032969

English, Punjabi
Lakhwinder Singh Kang Max MedCentre Mohali,

Plot No – A-19, Industrial Area Phase VI, S.A.S Nagar, Mohali, Punjab, 160055, INDIA,

Website: This panel physician or clinic provides services paid by Interim Federal Health Program.

+ 91 (172) 521 2000

English, Hindi, Punjabi
Ravi Kant Behl Max MedCentre Mohali,

Plot No – A-19, Industrial Area Phase VI, S.A.S Nagar, Mohali, Punjab, 160055, INDIA,

160 055

(This panel physician or clinic provides services paid by Interim Federal Health Program.)

(0172) 521-2000

English, Hindi, Punjabi
Sumit KHETARPAL Max MedCentre Mohali,

Plot No – A-19, Industrial Area Phase VI, S.A.S Nagar, Mohali, Punjab, 160055, INDIA,

(This panel physician or clinic provides services paid by Interim Federal Health Program.)

+ 91 (172) 521 2000

English, Hindi, Punjabi
AHMEDABAD Seema Talati KD Hospital,





+91-79-66770077 (L)/ +91-9824053196 (M)

+91-9979153196(M)+91-9979153196 (Mobile)

English, Gujarati, Hindi
Naresh Ram Chand HIMTHANI Apollo Hospitals International Ltd.,

Plot No. 1 A, BHAT GIDC Estate, Gandhinagar,


382 428


+ 91 (79) 6670 1800 English, Gujarati, Hindi
Dhiraj SAXENA Apollo Hospitals International Ltd.,

Plot No. 1 A, BHAT GIDC Estate,Gandhinagar,


382 428

(This panel physician or clinic provides services paid by Interim Federal Health Program.)

(91-079) 66701800 English, Gujarati, Hindi
Alka Desai KD Hospital,






+91-79-66770077 (L)/ +91-9824053196 (M

+91-9979153196(M)+91-9979153196 (Mobile)

English, Gujarati, Hindi
NEW DELHI Malkit Law Sadhu Vaswani Mission, Medical Centre,,

4th Street, Shanti Niketan,

110 021

Landline: +91 11 41472000 (This panel physician or clinic provides services paid by Interim Federal Health Program.

(011) 24111562 / 24114316/24111693/41472

Mobile: 9354536766

English, Hindi, Punjabi
Supriya Bali Max Super Speciality Centre,

First Floor, 26 A, Ring Road, Lajpat Nagar,

110 017

This panel physician or clinic provides services paid by Interim Federal Health Program.

8860444888, 011-46097200 English, Hindi
Ram Shankar Mishra Max Super Speciality Centre,

First Floor, 26 A, Ring Road, Lajpat Nagar,

110 017

(This panel physician or clinic provides services paid by Interim Federal Health Program.)

8860444888, 011-46097200 English, Hindi
Pankaj Sayal Sadhu Vaswani Mission Medical Centre,

4th Street Shanti Niketan, New Delhi, Delhi, 110 021, INDIA,

+ 91 (11) 2411 1562, +91 11 41472000

+ 91 (11) 2411 4316

English, Hindi, Punjabi
CHENNAI Rama Narasimhan The Apollo Hospitals,

Apollo Personalised health check block, Apollo Hospitals(Annex building),Wallace garden 1st street,


Tamil Nadu,

600 006

044 2829 6699

044 4040 1066 (Call centre from 7am-7pm)

English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu
Subbulakshmi DORAIRAJ The Apollo Hospitals,

Apollo Personalised health check block (APHC block),

Apollo Hospitals(Annex building),Wallace garden 1st street,,

600 006

email: (This panel physician or clinic provides services paid by Interim Federal Health Program.)

044 2829 6699

044 4040 1066 (Call centre from 7am-7pm)

English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu
Haripriya Jagadish The Apollo Hospitals,

Apollo Personalised health check block, Apollo Hospitals(Annex building),Wallace garden 1st street,


600 006

044 2829 6699

044 4040 1066 (Call centre from 7am-7pm)

English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu
Sujatha Sampath The Apollo Hospitals,

Apollo Personalised health check block, Apollo Hospitals(Annex building),Wallace garden 1st street,


600 006

044 2829 6699

044 4040 1066 (Call centre from 7am-7pm)

English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu
MUMBAI Milan Sangha Lilavati Hospital,

A-791, Bandra Reclamation,

Bandra West,


400 050


022 69318000, 022 69301000

( EXTN : 8244 & 8248 )

English, Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Punjabi
Aarti JAIN Clinical Diagnostic Centre,

A-403 Floral Deck Plaza, C Cross Road, MIDC,

Near Rolta Bhavan,

400 093

e-mail: /

+91 22 6119 6300 / +91 22 66972353 English
Pushpa Kishore AJBANI Clinical Diagnostic Centre,

Floor 1, Mahila Vikas Mandal Building,,

General Jagannath Bhonsale Marg, Near Mantralaya,,

400 021


+91 22 22866100 / +91 22 22022060 English
BANGALORE Girikumar VENATI Fortis Hospitals,

154/9, Bannerghatta Road, Opp. Indian Institute of Management,




(080) 66214444 / 22544444

Mob: 97429 26668

English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu
Susan Abraham Elbit Medical Diagnostic Ltd,

Indian Express Building, Queens Road,


560 001

(This clinic provides services paid by Interim Federal Health Program)

+91 990 000 1037/+91 990 000 1047

+91 80 4057 0000/+91 80 2286 0768

English, Hindi
Jayasree KAILASAM Fortis Hospital,

154/9, Bannerghatta Road, Opp. Indian Institute of Management,




(080) 66214444 / 22544444 English
Santosh CHANDY Elbit Medical Diagnostic Ltd,

Indian Express Building, Queens Road,


560 001

(This clinic provides services paid by Interim Federal Health Program)

+91 990 000 1037/+91 990 000 1047

+91 80 4057 0000/+91 80 2286 0768

English, Hindi
LUDHIANA ANMOL PANNU (Locum for Dr. H.S. ANMOL) Dr H S Pannu’s Clinic,




+ 91 (161) 2409036

+ 91 9877741991

English, Hindi, Punjabi
Amit Bansal Satguru Partap Singh (SPS) Hospital,

Sherpur Chowk GT Road, Punjab,


+ 91 (161) 661 7100

+ 91 (161) 661 7222

Chanchal Gera Satguru Partap Singh (SPS) Hospital,

Sherpur Chowk, G.T. Road,



(0161) 6617100/6617222 English, Hindi
Suman Puri Dr Chawla s Private Clinic,

7A Tagore Nagar Civil Lines,


141 001

+ 91 (0161) 2302150

+ 91 9878624232

KERALA Deepthi Mariam SAMUEL Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS)Health,

Anayara PB No 1 Thiruvananthapuram, Trivandrum,

695 029

+ 91 (471) 294 1312

+ 91 (471) 2941950/+ 91 (471) 2941938

English, Hindi, Malayalam

Anayara PB No 1 Thiruvananthapuram, Trivandrum,



+ 91 (471) 2941950 English, Hindi, Malayalam
Sujith Varghese ABRAHAM KIMS Health,

Anayara PB No 1 Thiruvananthapuram, Trivandrum,



+ 91 (471) 2941950 English, Hindi, Malayalam
Prijo PHILIP KIMS Health,

Anayara PB No 1 Thiruvananthapuram, Trivandrum,

695 029


+ 91 (471) 294 3221 Arabic, English, Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil
PUNE Nirmala CASTELLINO Building NO. 5, 1st Floor 40 Sassoon Road,


411 001

91 (20) 66455242 English
Chhaya Edul Ruby Hall Clinic,

Building NO. 5, 1st Floor 40 Sassoon Road, Pune, Maharashtra,


Dr. Edul is on urgent leave from 12/04/2021 for six weeks

(020) 26163391 / 66455242 English
Nazish Badami Ruby Hall Clinic,

Building NO. 5, 1st Floor 40 Sassoon Road, Pune, Maharashtra, 411 001, INDIA,

+ 91 (20) 66455242 English, Hindi
Purvez Grant Ruby Hall Clinic,

40, Sassoon Road,


411 001

(020) 26163391 (8 lines)

(020) 266455100 (60 lines)

English, Hindi

If you wish to check the panel physician near your city or want to know more about a medical test for immigration to Canada then Click here.   

For more information and FREE assessment for your immigration process, contact us at

How long will it take to process my application? 

Medical exam reports take nearly four weeks to process if you’re applying as a temporary resident (visitor, student, or worker).

After receiving your results from the panel physician, it takes about three months to process your application as a permanent resident. 

How long do the results of an IRCC medical examination remain valid?

The results of an IRCC medical exam are valid for 12 months from the date of the exam. If your findings are older than this, you will have to retake the exam.

What happens if you fail a medical test for Canada visa?

If a person fails a Canadian immigration medical exam, they might not be allowed into Canada. Certain medical conditions that could be considered a risk to the public health or safety of Canada can make you ineligible for immigration.

What medical conditions are inadmissible to Canada?

Canada Medical Inadmissibility Examples

  • Untreated syphilis.
  • Active pulmonary tuberculosis.
  • Hostile or disruptive behavior.
  • Organic brain disorders or paranoid states linked to violent behavior.
  • substance abuse issues that can cause anti-social behavior such as impaired driving or violence.
  • sexual disorders such as pedophilia.

Want to move to Canada? Book a free consultation to get access to the immigration process.

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